Peculiarities Of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients' Healthcare In The Republic Of Moldova


Acute Care


Eugeniu Mindrigan


Republic of Moldova

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the major public health problems and the leading cause of death and disability worldwide among children and adolescents. The data reveals that 1 of every 20 emergency department presentations at pediatric hospitals is caused by a TBI, more common than burns or poisonings. The epidemiologic characteristics and outcomes of pediatric TBI have not been adequately registered in the Republic of Moldova. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is one of the tools used in assessing TBI severity and optimal medical care.

The total number of pediatric TBI patients was 167. The majority were male patients – 109 (65,3%) – and 58 female patients (34,7%). The mean age among injured children is 9,0±5,04 years old. During the pre-hospital period, in the consciousness (GCS 15p) were 57 children (34,1%), in the state of moderate obnubilation (13-14p) were 103 children (61,7%), state of profound obnubilation with (11- 12p) were four children (2,4%), sopor state (8-10p) – 3 children (1,8%). The state of the majority of TBI children worsened during their transportation to the ED. At the moment of coming to ED, in the conscious state were 30 children (18%), state of moderate obnubilation – 102 children (61,1%), state of profound obnubilation – 25 children (15%), in the sopor state – 2 children (1,2%), in moderate Coma I state (6-7p) were five children (3%) and in profound Coma II state – 2 children (1,2%). During the treatment, the state of the patients has been changed: with GCS, 15p were 155 children (92,8%), 13-14p – 3 children (1,8%). In coma III exceeded state (3p) 9 children have died (5,4%).

The results have shown some gaps in the provision of medical care of TBI that impose us to reevaluate and adopt some new politics of health and guidelines of TBI patients’ prevention and treatment.

The results of the research were presented at several conferences, the most recent presentation was held at the EU-Safety Conference, in Vienna, in 2022: Assessment of pediatric TBI patterns using the Glasgow Scale at all levels of medical care.


Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe


Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania