Injuries morbidity and mortality in the Republic of Moldova


Global Road Safety


Cociu Svetlana


Republic of Moldova

Mrs. Cociu Svetlana has been working at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemițanu” since 2018. She graduated from SUMPh “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health specialty in 2013, and postgraduate studies through a residency specializing in Hygiene (2016–2018), although continuing Ph.D. studies within the same university. She started research in road safety prevention in 2016, with some national surveillance data, setting up as her final resident program thesis, continuing after the Ph.D. studies, entitled “Road trauma and the promotion of preventive behavior among the population”.

An enormous help in achieving the proposed objectives, was the support, guidance, and mentorship received from Romania and US colleagues within the earned Experiential Learning Project. The aim of her research was to identify and evaluate the risk factors of road injuries and elaborate preventive measures among the population of the Republic of Moldova. Among the major objectives were the creation of a database of road accidents, building a profile of the road-injured person, and developing the national road injury cartographic representations. All this was possible thanks to modern and complex methods applied together with international and national mentors. 

The research results will contribute to a long-term strategy by reducing the number of road accidents and injuries at the national level. The research results were disseminated in scientific journals, national and international workshops, and conferences.

More information about the paper can be found here.


Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe


Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania