Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe
Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Interpersonal Violence
Kareli Mariam
Violence at work is present at all work environments. However, healthcare workers are at greater risk, and the vast majority of cases go unreported. The existing scientific literature reveals that Workplace Violence (WPV) in the health sector is very problematic in developing and transitional countries.
Georgia, as a developing country, faces loads of human rights violations, including workplace violence, especially in the healthcare sector, however, at the present time, there are no accurate and reliable data available. The main aim of the study was to assess the prevalence, magnitude, consequences, and potential risk factors of WPV against Medical Staff in three hospitals in Tbilisi.
The full paper can be found here.
Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe
Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania