Unintentional Poisoning Hospitalizations Among Children Under 5 Years in Georgia


Acute Care


Bagashvili Ia



Poisoning is the fourth leading cause of unintentional injury among children. 13% of all cases of poisoning occurred among children and young people under the age of 20 years. But the majority of poisoning cases occur under five years of age,  particularly those in low-income and middle-income countries. Common poisoning agents in high-income countries include pharmaceuticals, household products (e.g., bleach, cleaning agents), pesticides, poisonous plants, and bites from insects and animals.  

The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological characteristics of children’s unintentional poisoning in all hospitals in Georgia. The National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia database for 2015-2020 was obtained to identify unintentional poisoning cases treated in hospitals. In Georgia, the environment around toddlers is not safe and requires more attention. Future studies focused on risk groups are important to prevent unintentional poisoning injury in children.

The abstract of the paper can be found here.


Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe


Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania