iCREATE Symposium & Summer School

The “Injury and Violence Prevention – Public Health Perspectives” Symposium took place on September 6-7, alongside the “Global Injury and Violence Prevention” Summer School from September 7-10, 2023, in Tbilisi, Georgia. 

As part of the iCREATE project, the “Injury and Violence Prevention – Public Health Perspectives” Symposium took place on September 6-7, alongside the “Global Injury and Violence Prevention” Summer School from September 7-10, 2023, in Tbilisi, Georgia. A vital component of our capacity building initiative involves engaging advanced MPH and Ph.D. students in experiential learning activities, including attending conferences and summer schools. Additionally, they can apply for Experiential Learning Projects focusing on various iCREATE topics and methodological areas, funded and under the mentorship of our project staff and advisory board members. Scholars have the opportunity to showcase their work at the annual symposiums and/or summer schools, similar to the ones organized in Georgia this year, centered around the theme of preventing injuries and violence. This year’s summer school welcomed participation from 12 students representing the three partner countries: Georgia, Armenia, and the Republic of Moldova.

The events were attended by project members, professors, and students hailing from the United States (University of Iowa & University of California), Romania (Babeș-Bolyai University), Armenia (Yerevan State Medical University), and the Republic of Moldova (State University of Pharmacy and Medicine). The project is set to continue until 2027, providing ongoing support for scholars in honing their research skills through a practical, hands-on approach. 


Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe


Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania