Call for proposals

for iCREATE partner countries

A fundamental part of our training program is engaging scholars in experiential learning, in which advanced MPH and Ph.D. students conduct mentored experiential learning projects on one of the iCREATE topics and methodological areas of focus. The aim of experiential learning projects is to support scholars in developing research skills using a hands-on approach. Experiential learning grantees develop a proposal, and projects are selected through the faculty mentors and executive committee. Scholars carry out mentored injury and violence prevention projects, which give them hands-on experience in developing and implementing rigorous research. Scholars also present their work at one of our annual symposiums. Students have opportunities to discuss challenges and methods to overcome challenges with their mentors as they conduct their projects.

Experiential Learning Project Phases and Timeline

The Experiential Learning Projects (ELP) will have the following phases:

Phase 1

September 16th – Announcement of the Experiential Learning Projects by each partner.

September 23rd – Partners will send a list with candidates that expressed their interest in applying for the Experiential Learning Projects.

September 29th – Prospective candidates will fill in the Experiential Learning Projects Express of Interest Form (online).

October 4th – iCREATE team will select the eligible candidates which will further move to Phase 2. The eligible candidates will be contacted via email and will also receive feedback and guidance.

October 7th – Awardees will receive the Experiential Learning Project Proposal template and will be offered resources (e.g. the CITI training, the tutorials developed and the grant writing videos).  

Month of October – Candidates will be paired with a mentor (national/international – depending on the topic). Candidates will work to develop the methodology for their Experiential Learning Projects Proposal (using the template) and will receive review and feedback from the iCREATE national coordinators, and assigned mentors – to help them develop their final version of the project.

October 28th – Experiential Learning Project Proposal (Phase 2) will be submitted and final review will be offered. 

First week of November – Award letters will be offered and the trainee will oficially start working on the ELP. The letters will be awarded by the iCREATE Country teams and signed by Cara Hamann and Diana Dulf as well. The award will be between November 1 – May 31.

November – December – IRB approval will be obtained and sent to and the Experiential Learning Projects will officially unfold.

Phase 2

Phase 3

During the awarded period – The communication will be continuously kept via email and catch-up meetings will be scheduled if needed. A mid-term report and presentation will be requested (around the month of March). 

Month of May – The final report and presentation will be requested, feedback and future guidance will be provided, and each scholar will fill out the ELP Evaluation Form received via email.


Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe


Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania