
Training programs aim to increase knowledge and skills. The iCREATE trainings are development programs that include opportunities meant to help attendees improve academic knowledge and/or performance in their jobs related to violence and injury prevention. The training program is dedicated to graduate students and semi-skilled or skilled workers in the violence and injury prevention fields, academics and researchers working on injury prevention and control related topics.

Webinars are built as online events hosted by one of the iCREATE consortium partners and broadcast to a select group of individuals through their computers via the Internet. Webinars consist of visual and audio presentations on relevant and timely topics for the violence and injury prevention field and allow the interaction with the audience. However, the iCREATE webinars may be recorded, made available in a digital resources repository, and subsequently used as digital teaching and learning materials for the iCREATE trainees.


Tutorials are a method of transferring knowledge, used as a part of a learning process, supplying the information necessary for professional development or precise tasks (e.g. grant writing). iCREATE tutorials are online videos, accessible through the iCREATE repository (not public, but on Microsoft Teams Workspace), providing information on specific topics and stages of skills development. The iCREATE tutorials are dedicated to researchers, students and academics belonging to the consortium universities.


iCREATE PowerPoint template

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Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe


Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania