Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe
Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Acute Care
Global Road Safety
Interpersonal Violence
Epidemiology and data capacity
• Survey of TBI treatment capacity and hospital leadership
• Prospective traumatic brain injury registry in 6 hospitals
• Emergency Department Trauma Registry in 8 hospitals
• Trauma registry with road traffic crashes
• Analysis of national health data
• Collection and analysis of police crash data
• Trauma registry with assault / intentional injury
• Survey of healthcare and NGO leaders on victim support
• Healthcare survey of violence at work
Alcohol use (new topic)
• Measure the frequency that emergency department patients have positive alcohol tests
• Measure the impact of alcohol use on recovery/ rehabilitation
• Identify frequency of alcohol use as contributor to crashes
• Describe patterns of drinking that are related to driving / transportation
• Identify how alcohol use related to the culture of family violence
• Measure the association between alcohol use and violent events
Implementation science
(new methods focus)
• Understand impact of alcohol on pre-hospital, hospital, and rehabilitative care
• Implement brief alcohol interventions in the emergency department
• Understand current evidence base for road safety interventions
• Identify and engage partners, such as police and healthcare settings, to partner in intervention
• Understand cultural issues related to violence (e.g. gender roles/policies)
• Understand current evidence base for violence interventions
A fundamental part of our training program is experiential learning, in which advanced MPH and Ph.D. students conduct mentored experiential learning projects. The aim of this component is to support trainees in developing research skills using a hands-on approach. Experiential learning grantees develop a proposal, and projects are selected through the faculty mentors and executive committee.
Trainees carry out mentored injury and violence prevention projects, which give them hands-on experience in developing and implementing rigorous research. Trainees also present their work at one of our annual symposiums. Students have opportunities to discuss challenges and methods to overcome challenges with their mentors as they conduct their projects.
We mentored 51 experiential learning projects, and some exemplary projects from each partner country can be found below.
Increasing Capacity for Injury Research in Eastern Europe
Dr. Diana Dulf
Pandurilor 7 Street, 9th Floor, Room 910, Cluj-Napoca, Romania